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Divorce Mediation

The Uncontested Divorce and How Online Divorce Mediation Can Get You There

Divorce MediationDivorce mediation, particularly, online divorce mediation, can be a quick and inexpensive way to resolve your divorce conflicts.

Here is how it works:

The lowest cost way to get a divorce, is to represent yourself in an uncontested divorce. By representing yourself in an uncontested divorce you can save thousands of dollars in legal fees. You cost is the cost of the divorce forms (under $300.00 from this web site), and court filing fees. When both spouses, execute a binding Marital Separation Agreement, settling all issues between them, the divorce becomes an uncontested divorce. If there are only a few outstanding issues that need to be settled between you and your spouse, and you can’t settle these issues between yourselves, your next best option is to work with a mediator to settle your conflicts and enter into a Marital Separation Agreement.

Divorce Mediation is much less costly than if each spouse is represented by counsel, which can easily generate thousands of dollars in legal fees.

What is Family or Divorce Mediation?

“Divorce mediation” means the mediation of disputes in actions for divorce, annulment, establishment of paternity, child custody or visitation, or child or spousal support. Mediation programs can be very beneficial to people who are divorcing as well as to those who have long been divorced but who find themselves in a dispute in their post-divorce relationship. Not only can it save money but it promotes positive dispute resolution rather than adversarial procedures. That being so, it is well worth investigating by any couple facing divorce, a child custody fight, a visitation dispute or other interpersonal conflict. Mediation is a process that may help you resolve your case so you can have an uncontested divorce. Mediation is particularly useful in situations involving children, since it is in the interests of the children that their parents “get along” even if they will no longer live together as husband and wife. In many states all cases that involve contested custody or visitation matters are referred to mandatory mediation, provided the parties are represented by an attorney and there is no allegation of domestic abuse. Mediation attempts to change disputes from “win-lose” to “win-win.” Mediation is a non-adversarial process of helping people come to agreement on issues like parenting arrangements, support of children and spouses and division of real and personal property. Mediation occurs when a neutral third-party, who has training in dispute resolution, assists you and your spouse and helps you resolve the issues that are causing conflict and to make cooperative, informed decisions.

Traditional Face-to-Face Divorce Mediation

One option is to meet with a mediator face-to-face. You can find a list of divorce mediators who you can contract with for a face-to-face mediation here.

Online Divorce Mediation: Benefits

Recently a number of Web Sites have emerged that offer online mediation. Online mediation takes place in a secure web space with the parties communicating through telephone, video, and text. Online Mediation has the following advantages:

  • Convenient and flexible
  • Secure and confidential
  • Quicker
  • Less costly
  • The parties don’t have to meet  face-to-face in the same room.
  • If the parties are separated by distance, online mediation can be an efficient solution.

Online divorce mediation will increase popularity in the next decade as online technology becomes more powerful.